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Sunshine Fund

Unfortunately, sometimes events happen in our lives and the lives of our girls that are difficult. To help us through a "difficult" time, we have the Sunshine Fund. 
Our Service Unit's Sunshine Fund was established many years ago so that no Girl Scout in Washington Township would be left out of the Girl Scout experience due to financial issues. 

The Sunshine Fund holds true to that pledge today. 

What about the times when its not a difficulty facing one of the girls but some problem a fellow Leader is having?
Long Valley has some of the strongest, bravest, most caring women living within its borders. We all like to believe we are Wonder Woman, but the fact is, we are not.
We need the help of our peers to help us up when we stumble a little. The Sunshine Fund is here to help Leaders too.

All requests for Sunshine Fund assistance are held within the strictest confidence.

All that needs to be done is to complete the Sunshine Fund Form that is attached
and get it to our Sunshine Fund Coordinator, Cindy Huson (her information is on the form). 
Just to repeat, it is strictly confidential. 

The times today are troubling enough on their own. We all need a little Sunshine now and then to get us through the day.


Note:  help from the Sunshine Fund can be requested to help a girl with such expenses as registration, uniforms, field trips, etc.

If you're not sure - please ask!!


Click HERE to access the Sunshine Fund Request Form

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