Kellin Elizabeth Daley
"Babies, Blankets and Bibles”
Kellin’s project, “Babies, Blankets and Bibles” provided much needed love and encouragement to unwed pregnant mothers, after having made the decision to choose LIFE, rather than have an abortion. Her project has become a new means of additional support and outreach to these women through the Pregnancy Resource Center (PRC). At the Pregnancy Resource Center mothers are educated in a Christian atmosphere which ultimately helps them make the difficult decision about choosing LIFE, rather than have an abortion.
When a new mom decides to keep her baby, and chooses LIFE over abortion, she is given a baby blanket and a children’s bible. Kellin’s project has inspired these women to raise their children in a loving and Christian home, and to teach their babies about Jesus. Just knowing that someone cares and is supporting them means so much to these young girls who feel so alone. The PRC projected approximately 100 mothers will choose life per year. Kellin made 150 kits, and her church has agreed to take on the project to be done again each year.